Saturday, April 3, 2010

Spring Ortho and Katie´s Best Friends

So this was last week and a very special week. Two of Katie´s best friends, Molly and Erin, came down with both of their boyfriends, Jeff and Jason. We also had our Spring Medical Orthopedic group and Dr. Nutt come down as well.

This was my first time meeting Katie´s friends, but they were people who love to worship God, and have a heart for the things of the Spirit.

Dr. Nutt and I met about two years ago when we had to spend a week together living in the house with the just the two of us. We would go and eat pupusas, ice cream, and then walk back to the house having long discussions about faith and religion. Since then I have met more of his family and he brings me back a new book to read every time he comes down. But I don´t have a picture of him, because I did not end up working with the medical team. I ended up working with two other ladies, Kristi and Catherine. Here we are...

Here are Katie´s friends at the Young Life Bible Study

This is such an incredible experience. We went out to Villa for the afternoon, to spend some time painting the new houses. Well the Nicaraguans, because of the heat are constantly watering down the houses so before we could paint, we were asked to help them, and boy was it disastrously fun. I should have expected it, but before I knew it we were all soaked. But the best part is that there is this one kid David, that I have known for a long time, and he always seems so serious. And he was having the time of his life. He just thought it was so fun to get wet and see other people wet. In my two years, he always had come off to me as so serious, so it was amazing to see him so active and having so much fun!
This is Kristi, doing her job.

This is Erin and I at the end of the day. David waited until I was carrying two heavy buckets of water and then he came up from behind and had his final attack. I am soaked.

This is us riding back to the bodega after watering down the houses.

These are our dirty feet after a long day (mine are the socks).

Katie´s Birthday
Now for the best part...
God is so amazing. Katie is my best friend here in Nicaragua. We met about a year and a half ago and have been close ever since. Well its been hard because for the first time since she has moved down here, we are no longer living together. We had been sharing a room up until about a month ago when I moved out into a house in one of the local neighborhoods. So lately we were having some trouble with our friendship because we were adjusting and just not meeting each others friendship needs, well so its funny how it worked out. The days after we did have a little argument, I ended up not hanging out with her and her friends, which she might have taken as me being distant, but actually.... I was setting up for her suprise party that we all had planned for her, ha ha ha...(we are tricky)
So she arrives at the house that evening thinking she is picking me up so that we can all go to dinner together, little did she know that in the back of the house was a bunch of decorations and special people waiting for her.
So she walks back and sees all the decorations and then one by one kids start to come out from my room suprising her. It was amazing, there was a bunch of our American friends, the students she works with in the scholarship program, the Young Life kids, and some of our Nicaraguan Amigos employees. :)

Here are her scholarship kids getting her ready. They made sure her hair looked beautiful and that she had plenty of makeup. It was funny and really cute.

This is Katie, Melissa and I. (Melissa lives with me)

Thats Katie´s giant cookie birthday cake that Kristin made for her.

These are the decorations and my back porch area.

This is Ivett and Mauricio, two really good friends from Villa. They just had their first baby boy. And Ivett said that she was going to give him to Katie for her birthday because she knows thats what would make Katie the happiest. (Katie LOVES babies)

These are the boys from our church. They are in our Sunday school class, and they all play on the worship team (Luis, Francisco, Jeff, Iris, Katie, and Will)

This is Katie blowing out her candles.

This is Katie and I!!!

¨Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor.
For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.¨
Proverbs 4:9¨
¨I won´t let you fall, I love you. If you were to fall, I would go with you. I would never leave you¨
- Katie to me (on the edge of the ridge of the Somoto Canyon )

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