So Jeremy is developing a new branch for our mission teams, and it is a combination of "adventure" and service...this is the exploring and testing for the adventure part...

The View:

Now as we were climbing, our Nicaraguan friend Tomas, slips into a crack, but not to worry, here I am to the rescue, except soon I fall in...uh oh.

This is awesome. Jeremy had been planning this trip up to the volcano Telica for a while. We were supposed to camp out in this little crater area about 15 minutes from the main crater (it is still an active volcano). He had gone before and said that the campground was so beautiful and was set up by God. We were giving him a hard time asking if God actually camps out there, in His free time. That's why its set up like that. Well so finally we are going up, and when we get to the top and look down to where the camp ground area is, Jeremy was right, it was beautiful. But it was funny because we start to make fun of him, asking Him again if God's there waiting for us, and then Melissa shouts out from behind to Katie and I to look up at the sky, and there is this beautiful rainbow across the sky. And we were all just amazed...
Me walking:
So in coming down to Nicaragua, one of the most unexpected surprises has been the beauty of the you have seen, and also the surprise friendships that have come along the way...
hola iris :) this is so beautiful and so you!